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Our Admissions Process

Chaviva High School is a place where positive, hard-working girls can, and do, achieve success. 
The 51 students enrolled in the 2023-2024 school year are committed to putting forth
the required effort to accomplish goals in a wide variety of areas. 

If you are a girl who is ready to invest in your growth and development as an educated Bas Yisroel,
we would love to meet you and see if Chaviva High School is right for you.


Read through the

Student & Parent Guidebook 



Email our office to schedule a visit and interview at

Chaviva's policy for applications that arrive after the start of school states that any interested student must first spend a full day at Chaviva and then may submit a formal application. 

If the administration determines that the applicant meets the standards required, the application will be submitted to our Admissions Committee for their review.  The committee will make the final determination of acceptance. 

Chaviva High School recruits and admits students of any race, color or ethnic origin to all its rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies,

admissions policies, employment, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.

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